Programs of Nature Discovery and Service-Learning for Adults
Environmental Chemistry with Dr. Marilyn Hurst
Environmental chemistry is the study of the behavior of pollutants with respect to their environmental fates and their effects of their environment. This presentation will describe some of the pollutants in both Earth’s atmosphere and water and discuss their origins, effects, and abatement. Specific topics covered are photochemical smog, acid rain, ozone depleting chemicals, and water pollutants. We will talk about a few of the chemical tests which can be done on soil and water samples to measure the presence of pollutants and participants will do some hands on testing of both soil and water
Members receive a discount! Email us to receive the members-only link. All proceeds of ticket sales from these courses benefit the mission of Wesselman Woods.
Price: Each session costs $40 for non-members or $20 for members and individuals who have completed IMN.
At Wesselman Woods (WW), we offer various educational courses for adults throughout the year. These programs. Please see the schedule below for further details on sessions.
No prior education on any of the topics is required.
We invite all curious minds to join us!
Looking for continuing education hours for Advanced Indiana Master Naturalist (AIMN)? These courses will fulfill those requirements. (AIMN requires certified individuals to volunteer 30 hours annually and complete 8 hours of education time annually.)