Wesselman Nature Society also manages Howell Wetlands, on Evansville’s west side.
As one of the largest urban wetlands in Indiana, this unique ecosystem is an appealing year-round location for education and enjoyment. Howell Wetlands is one of only five urban wetland parks in Indiana. The Wetlands features 35 acres of marshland, bald cypress slough, oxbow lake, lowland hardwood forest and upland meadow. Within in these habitats live muskrats, beavers, herons, wood ducks, geese and deer. You’re invited to explore the more than 2 miles of hiking trails, wooden walkways, and bridges or join us during one of our staff-led programs or tours.
There are no fees to visit the trails and boardwalks at Howell Wetlands.
In order to maintain this rare ecosystem, we please ask that the following rules be followed at Howell Wetlands.
Foot traffic only.
No bicycles or mechanized vehicles are allowed. Jogging is also prohibited. These activities disturb hikers and wildlife. Strollers are permitted if kept on the trail.
Stay on designated trails.
Off-trail hiking results in significant damage to the plants and animals that live on the forest floor.
Pets are permitted in the wetlands.
Pets are permitted but must remain on a leash at all times.
No harvesting.
Please leave all rocks, feathers, leaves, bones, etc. in place for the enjoyment of future visitors and the continued health of the ecosystem.
No fishing.
Fishing is not permitted at Howell Wetlands.
No swimming or wading.
Please stay on the boardwalks and trails at all times.
Smoking is not permitted.
Please extinguish all items before entering the property.
Feeding wildlife is prohibited.
Please enjoy the animals from a safe distance. Feeding animals human food is detrimental to the health of those animals.
Do not litter.
Litter lessens the quality of the outdoor experience for everyone, and can be a hazard to wildlife. If you would like to pick up litter along your hike, bring a trash bag with you.
Group RateS
Interested in holding a party or meeting at Howell Wetlands or Wesselman Woods? Take a look at our facility rental information.
Conservation Station at Howell Wetlands - available for rental!
Most of the trails are surfaced with mulch or wooden boardwalks. The trails traverse uneven terrain and may be muddy or soggy, especially after rain. Strollers with large wheels usually do fine but wheelchairs may encounter problems.
Howell Wetlands is located at 1400 S. Tekoppel Ave. in Evansville, Indiana.
When Westbound on the Lloyd Expressway, take the Tekoppel Exit. Turn left on Tekoppel and follow the road south for about one mile. Howell Wetlands will be on your left.
When Eastbound on the Lloyd Expressway, take the Barker Exit. Proceed south on Barker to Broadway Ave. Turn right on Broadway then right on Tekoppel. Go about 100 feet and turn right into Howell Wetlands.
Research Opportunities
We encourage and invite researchers to study and teach us, Evansville, and the academic community about our urban ecosystems.
If you are interested in pursuing research at Wesselman Woods, Howell Wetlands, or our Nature Playscape, visit our Research page or contact our Director of Natural Resources and Research.
Photo by Jim Roehm