Become A Member
Help us keep the legacy of this old-growth forest alive.
Wesselman Woods invites you to become a partner in conservation in the greater Evansville, Indiana area. Your valuable support enables us to protect acres of unique wildlife habitat and educate visitors as to the importance of these natural treasures.
Although our properties are owned by the City of Evansville, Wesselman Woods is responsible for generating nearly 80% of all operational and programming funds. This is only possible through the support of the hundreds of caring people who become members. Won’t you join us?
Membership benefits are intentionally kept to a minimum so more of your donation will support our mission.
Free admission to Wesselman Woods Nature Center, Preserve, Nature Playscape, and Howell Wetlands
10% off merchandise
Discounts on facility rental
Old-Growth Gazette email newsletter delivered to your inbox
Exclusive “Wesselman Woods Member” sticker
Association of Nature Center Administrators (ANCA) Reciprocal Membership Privileges at nature centers across the United States
Discounts and early access for our annual events, classes, and camps
All memberships are for 12 months from the date of purchase with the exception of the Maple Sugarbush Lifetime membership.
Yearly Membership Levels: USE THE FORM BELOW!
Individual: $35
Student: $25 (valid with student ID)
Senior: $25 (age 55+)
Family: $50
all reside in the same household; may include nanny or caregiverGrandparents: $40
includes two adults + all grandchildren
Gift Memberships & Sponsoring Families
Gift A Membership to a friend or family member for special occasions!
Sponsor a Family Membership for an Underrepresented Family: $50
(To do so, please visit our separate donation page.)
WW receives names of interested families from local partners and WW will pair the family with the membership.
All memberships are for 12 months from the date of purchase with the exception of the Maple Sugarbush Lifetime membership.
Champion Membership Levels
Sweetgum: $120
all regular membership benefits plus four free guest passes per yearTulip: $300
all Sweetgum benefits plus a guided hike with one of our directorsOak: $600
all Tulip benefits plus a private animal encounterMaple Sugarbush - Lifetime Membership: $1,000 *1-time payment
all Oak benefits plus a boardwalk plank on our trails and behind the scenes tour of WW