Community Resilience
JUMP TO: Annual Juried Art Exhibition • Earth Day • Maple Sugarbush Festival • Woodland Wonders • Full Calendar
Join us in a series of conversations and experiences that tap into the lessons offered by the old-growth forest community at Wesselman Woods. This series is free and open to all.
Together, we will hike, listen, and learn how healthy ecosystems can be a model for building human connections and resilience.
Admission: FREE | Audience: Ages 18+ | Cap: 30 people | Time: 4-5:30 PM
2025 Topics and Dates
(April 27) The Human-Nature Connection
Presenter: Amy Rhodes
Executive Director of Wesselman Woods
Theme: We are nature. We belong.
(June 29) Building Networks of Support
Presenter: Derek Walsh
Director of Natural Resources and Research at Wesselman Woods
Theme: Interconnectedness
(August 24) Vulnerable Communities
Presenter(s): Tory Schendel-Vyvoda
Curator, Evansville African American Museum; PhD student, Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts; Adjunct Instructor, University of Evansville; Director, Lamasco Microgallery
Theme: People are places. Places are people.
(October 26) Restoring the Connection
Presenter(s): TBD
Theme: Strengthening the ties that bind.
Past Topics: Religion and Ecology, Climate Change and the Future of Maple Tapping, Carbon Neutral Indiana, Playful Animal Behavior, Importance of Old-Growth Forests, Eco-Queer Theory, Environmental Justice