Join us for a soothing sound bath!
You are what you eat and you are what you hear. Come to Wesselman Woods on Saturday, July 23 at 9 a.m. for a sound bath experience provided by Rebecca Samples of Healing Strings. Enjoy the soothing sounds of crystal singing bowls, gong, stringed instruments, drums, flute, voice, and more. These instruments will wash you with positive vibrations and let the song of nature give you a sense of well-being, groundedness, and joy of being alive.
Admission is $5 and pre-registration is required. Guests should bring their own mat, blankets, pillows, eye pillows… anything that will make them as cozy and relaxed as possible. The sound bath will take place on the hill next to Odonata Pond at Wesselman Woods.
Reserve your space today!
Samples is a sound healer, energy worker, and Earth Medicine Practitioner whose company, Healing Strings, provides sound healing and spiritual coaching. Explore her range of offerings at