Summer camps are in full swing at Wesselman Woods but you don't have to join camp to get in on a little of the fun!
Join Environmental Educator Taylor on Saturdays at 10 AM and again at 2 PM for a double-dose of fun nature education.
No registration required for the Summer Saturday programs and the fee is included in the price of admission. That means members can join us for free!
All ages are welcome and encouraged to join to discover the nation’s largest urban old-growth forest: Wesselman Woods.
Each activity has a backup plan, in case of rain, so we can enjoy nature no matter the weather!
Animal Encounter with Shelly (30 minutes)
Guided Hike (Odonata Pond) (30 minutes)
7/2 - Free Week at Wesselman Woods!
Animal Encounter with Izzy (30 minutes)
Nature Playscape Exploration (30 minutes)
Guided Hike (1 hour)
Animal Encounter with Sybil or Pearl (30 minutes)
Guided Hike with binoculars (30 minutes)
Biofact Discovery (arthropods) (30 minutes)
Nature Playscape Exploration (30 minutes)
7/30: 2 PM Session ONLY
Guided History Hike (Boonville/Newburgh) (1 hour)
Animal Encounter with Turtles (30 minutes)
Guided Hike (Odonata Pond) (30 minutes)
Guided Hike (30 minutes)
Nature Playscape Exploration (30 minutes)