On-Site Program Registration

Bring your group to Wesselman Woods to explore, learn, and experience the richness of an urban old-growth forest.

Wesselman Woods is a busy place. Please make your reservation at least three months in advance for the best chance at securing your desired program date.

  • Filling out the Group Registration Form does not guarantee your program request. Please wait for an email from the Director of Education for confirmation.

If you are interested in a guided program at Wesselman Woods, we can accommodate groups under 100 participants. If your group is larger than 100 participants, please email the Director of Education for guidance.

If you are interested in a guided program at Howell Wetlands, we can accommodate groups under 75 participants. If your group is larger than 75 participants, you must split the group up into a two-day program or consider a self-guided experience. 

  • Program days are Wednesdays and Fridays during the spring semester, and Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays during the fall semester.

  • Each participant (students and adult chaperones) during the program is $6. There is a limit of one chaperone for every ten students. Teachers and bus drivers are free.

  • Title I schools are eligible for a sponsorship. Visit our Classroom Sponsorship page for more information!

If you pay by check, please ensure that the check is made out to Wesselman Woods.

Questions? Email Payton Broshears at payton@wesselmanwoods.org.