Self-Guided Field Trip

Planning a visit to Wesselman Woods with your group, organization, or class?

If our educational programs are fully booked, don’t worry! Wesselman Woods welcomes self-guided field trips. Your group would have access to the nature center, trails, and Nature Playscape. We also have activity sheets available at the front desk, offering engaging exploration of topics related to the local ecosystem.

For groups with children we recommend spending your entire visit exploring the Nature Playscape.

Don’t forget to bring water, bug spray, and sunscreen during the warmer months.

Pricing for self-guided field trips is the same as our general admission rates:

  • Adults - $5

  • Children (ages 3 -12) - $3

  • Children under 3 are free.

Title I schools are eligible for a sponsorship. Visit our Classroom Sponsorship page for more information!

Questions? Email Payton Broshears at